What is CPD and how does it benefit your business?

Continuing professional development (CPD) is an essential aspect of the building and construction industry and is something that all tradies and business owners should implement. If you hold a building or pool building license in NSW, under the Home Building Act 1989, you are required to undertake CPD each year as a condition of renewing your licence. All CPD requirements must be completed by the date of your licence renewal. See link to the Home Build Act 1989 for more useful information regarding CPD: Home Building Act 1989 - Guidelines For Continuing Professional Development . Fair Trading NSW provides more information about the process and eligible activities of gaining CPD points ; Fair Trading NSW - Continuing Professional Development .
The benefits of CPD
In the building and construction industry, legislation and standards are continuously updating to maintain and improve quality, procedures, and safety throughout the industry. CPD training programs provide up to date information regarding legislation and standards in the industry.
Also, technology within the building and construction industry is continuously improving and providing greater efficiency. CPD programs can provide information regarding the latest technologies available to the industry, and how these technologies are best implemented in your business.
Benefits for individual
Increases skill level, credibility, and understanding of the industry
Gaining an advantage over other employees who only complete CPD as a bare minimum requirement
Staying up to date with new skills and technologies in the industry
To become more employable, which allows greater career progression
Benefits for Business Owners
Greater understanding of implementing technologies to improve performance and efficiencies in your business, allowing your business to remain competitive in the industry.
Enables high quality standards and processes within the business
Increases employee skill levels and productivity
Increases employee morale and company culture, and therefore employee retention rates
Decreases chances of defects of products and services produced
Increases customer satisfaction with quality of services provided, therefore increasing chances of recurring customers
Increases knowledge of new legislation and standards, therefore decreasing chances of fines and penalties
How to access a CPD program
See link to minimum requirements and point system to complete the CPD courses.
The following associations provide more information regarding CPD courses:
Housing Industry Association – www.hia.com.au
Master Builders Association of NSW – www.mbansw.asn.au
Swimming Pool and Spa Association – www.spasansw.com.au
TAFE NSW – 131 601 Building Institute of Training and Development – www.edu2000.net.au
Back to Basics Business Training Pty Ltd - www.backtobasics.com.au
Also, see link to Building Industry Contacts for CPD Training Opportunities: Building Industry Links and Contacts .
This information is not to be relied upon without speaking to your accountant, tax agent or financial adviser depending on the advice.