When does a Tax Law Announcement Become Active
When an election is around the corner, there are usually many announcements made by the Government of the time to entice undecided voters...

Tax Deductible travel! What I need to know.
There are two classes of travel which you will encounter as an employee of a business:
The first is travel between home and work. Unless yo

What is depreciation for Tax Purposes?
Depreciation is the term used to describe the decline in value of an asset over the asset’s effective life. For example, a new car purchased

Bas Myths and legends
While the Business Activity Statement does not carry the romance and drama of an Ancient Greek tragedy, there are still many misconceptions

What documents do I need to provide to my accountant?
The ATO expects you to keep certain documents (or more seriously, “written evidence”) of many transactions which you are involved with as a

Tax Agents out of the loop - what ATO correspondence changes mean for you?
In response to sustainability and environmental concerns, the ATO is taking measures to reduce the amount of paper correspondence it sends t

What is ABN withholding?
ABN withholding occurs when a supplier does not have, or does not advise you with their ABN for the goods or services they supply to your bu

PAYGW vs PAYGI - Understanding the Difference
The ATO loves acronyms. If you spend any amount of time researching the answer to a simple tax question and become faced with alphabet soup

Rethinking the role of an accountant.
An accountant is more than a dull person in a suit that enjoys calculators as a Christmas present (jokes… seriously don’t do that). Your acc

Purchases you should NOT include in your BAS!
Your business may make thousands of purchases within each BAS reporting cycle. However, this does not mean you simply write one eleventh of